What will SHE4AHA deliver?

Teaching material

The lead partner of the SHE4AHA project is Schools for Health in European Network Foundation (SHE) which has as its overall objective, to make every school in Europe a health promoting school. To do so, SHE collaborates with the WHO as well as with national and regional SHE coordinators in 36 European countries.

Together with the SHE Research Group and the SHE coordinators, material has been develop, which among others consist of school manual, an assessment guide and a set of standards and indicators (all together called the SHE material) that policy makers, school management and teachers can use to make their school community “a health promoting school”.

In SHE4AHA , all this material will be transformed into an easily accessible “pixie” version, as we know school managers and teachers are busy people. The pixie version will be supported with teaching material for three concrete and practical oriented training days.

You can find the Teaching material here

Good Practice Catalogue

The SHE4AHA partners will work together with at least 15 pilot schools in the participating countries being; Denmark, Iceland, France, Portugal and Slovenia.

Based on our training in the schools, the coaching that we provide, and the activities the pilot schools will work to implement in their schools, a good practice story will be elaborated for each school.
These good practice stories will tell the story about the journey of the school from they started working together with the SHE4AHA partners until they took an evaluating “eye back” on the activities they implemented together with colleagues, pupils and probably also parents in many cases.

The objective of these good practice stories will be to inspire other schools around Europe to also start pilot projects and learning processes like the pilot schools in the SHE4AHA project.
The Good Practice Catalogue will be available in autumn 2024.

Looking into what has been going on in the entire project, and within each pilot school, the SHE4AHA partners, will make a transversal analysis of it all and elaborate a set of concrete policy and implementation recommendations.

Said in short; what seems to work and what doesn’t when schools want to work more actively and strategically to become a health promoting school; an inclusive setting for living, learning, and playing.
We will be highlighting the “dos” and don’ts” and make a concrete list of things to remember to create better opportunities for success for the induvial school.

The Recommendations will be available in autumn 2024.

All material will be available in the 6 languages of the project: namely English, Danish, Icelandic, French, Portuguese and Slovenian.

© 2023 SHE4AHA